I am pleased to announce a new publication this month in the Global Journal on Quality and Safety in Healthcare! You can read it here:

Happy Children’s Day!
In India, on the 14th of November we remember the birth of the first prime minister of India, Jawahar Lal Nehru, who was an advocate for children’s education. Another way that we can also nurture children is by caring for them starting from in the womb through their first 1000 days of life, through supporting their parents with good antenatal care that continues with postnatal care to empower parents with anticipatory guidance, social support, and preventative healthcare in a alternative group model of care.

In our brief report that was published this month, my colleagues and I share about the pilot project that we did through a dynamic collaboration in 2022-2023 while I was completing a Masters in Public Health in India.
Read more about other publications done in India and worldwide, including on the rationale for a low resource setting to use the group model, feasibility of the model studied in Gujarat, and a synthesis of evidence from around the world. Another paper still in the review process, is a group antenatal care collaborative blue-print for postnatal groups to care for the mothers and children over two years since birth.
Currently, I am beginning an online Doctorate in Global Leadership program, to be able to more deeply understand the context in which I have been working in India the past few years. I am excited to be able to formulate some tools and resources through this new program. The purpose is to equip leaders in the community with what I learn about perspectives on holistic health and how the group model of healthcare can fit in the current landscape of beliefs and practices in the culture. My hope is to contribute to Sustainable Engagement in Health And Transformation for the future of children in India!